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Stress release in London and Online


Since stress is the body's natural reaction to difficult circumstances, everyone eventually goes through it. Stress can keep us alert, focused, and motivated in moderation. But these advantages vanish when we experience excessive stress. High levels of stress can damage our professional performance, our physical health, and our relationships with friends and family.


​Therapy can help you cope and feel like yourself again when life becomes too much.


What are the effects of stress?


  • Sleep issues

  • Behavior change

  • Loss of confidence

  • Anger

  • New coping habits  (smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating)

  • Health issues: frequent colds, pain, inflammation, IBS, headaches, heart problems, blood sugar increase, hormone imbalance, fertility problems, OCD, etc

  • Problems in a relationship: the male and female brains are wired differently when it comes to stress so it can cause misunderstandings

  • Loss of sex drive

  • The brain is constantly in flight or fight mode


What are the long-term effects of stress?


  • When the brain is always on high alert, the hippocampus (the part where we keep our memories) shrinks so we can develop memory loss and other brain-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to depression.


When your mental health is on the line your physical health will suffer as well, your immune system won’t cope.

We all know that a strong immune system is key during the current tough times.


Living under stress means living in survival mode and your focus narrows down. 


Releasing stress – asking for help


It is important to treat stress seriously. If we do not receive the assistance we require or address the underlying reasons for our stress it can progress into addictions, panic attacks, sadness, or anxiety, all of which can be more difficult to manage.


Stress management


Stress can be manageable when you are:


  • relaxed

  • sleep better

  • think positively

  • confident

  • not on high alert


Sounds great, isn’t it? These are the exact outcomes of our working together to achieve your goals.


The benefits of stress release


When you come for a session, besides taking care of your mental and physical health, you also help your family, friends, and co-workers as they can all benefit from a stress-free you.


Book a consultation to find out how we can work together to achieve a better balance and inner resilience.

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